While researching usability on banking sites, I evaluated the ease of opening a bank account online by actually beginning the application process. I noticed that sometimes banks required that I provide a phone number, but told me I couldn’t provide a cell number. As one of the growing population of people that has dispensed with their land line, I wondered if the banks were actively rejecting those of my dubious communication caliber as customers. Since one of the ‘no cell phone’ banks, Citibank, had Live Chat as a form of user assistance, I decided to use it to question the restriction. The results are quite provocative, and make me wonder why companies can’t be straightforward about why they are asking for specific types of information. Another intriguing aspect of this conversation is the part I’ve highlighted in orange. It’s feedback I’ve given Citibank on how to improve their site. Will anyone read it? Judging from the response ("Okay."), probably not.
Andrea .: Hello kim. Welcome to Citibank! How may I help you?
kim: i am applying for a new account
kim: i am at the part that asks for my home phone
Andrea .: Great! Do you have any questions?
kim: it says i can't use my cell phone number
kim: i have no other phone
Andrea .: Do you have an alternate work number? If so you may provide that.
kim: i'm self-employed
Andrea .: Do you have an alternate number?
kim: no
Andrea .: You must provide an alternate number of some kind.
Andrea .: Just for application purposes.
kim: like, a family member's number?
kim: what is it used for?
Andrea .: Sure. And if it asks for another number you can use your cell if that is all you have. Its to contact you.
kim: just about the application?
Andrea .: Yes.
kim: oh
kim: wamu.com lets you provide a cell number, but just warns you that your cell provider might charge you for the minutes if they contact you
Andrea .: Okay.
kim: to me that's better communication in the form
kim: thanks for your help though
Andrea .: Certainly.
Andrea .: Thank you for participating in Citibank Chat. Have a good day.
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